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Home > Field of Cooperation > Health Research > Mathematical modelling of heterogeneous contact and movement patterns for preventing COVID-19
Mathematical modelling of heterogeneous contact and movement patterns for preventing COVID-19
Principal Investigator / Affiliation Hiroshi Nishiura (Professor) / Kyoto University flag Japan Japan
Saranath Lawpoolsri (Associate Professor) / Mahidol University flag Thailand Thailand
Year Adopted 2020
Research Period 2 years
General Description of the Research Project This cooperative research project aims to devise mathematical models that capture the heterogeneous contact patterns as well as distant movement rate, intending to formulate scientific basis to plan prevention programs including forthcoming immunization strategies and non-pharmaceutical behavioral interventions. Mutually compensating modelling techniques for capturing temporal and spatial transmission dynamics, we answer policy-relevant questions via mathematical modelling.
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Principal Investigator / Country of Research Team
Photo Hiroshi Nishiura

Hiroshi Nishiura

flag Japan
Photo Saranath Lawpoolsri

Saranath Lawpoolsri

flag Thailand