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Photo Kotohiro  Nomura

Kotohiro Nomura

Tokyo Metropolitan University

Specialty Catalysis, synthetic chemistry, organometallic chemistry with early transition metals, polymer chemistry, materials scence
Science Interest
Subjects conducted are broadly in the field of synthetic chemistry, catalysis, organometallic chemistry and polymer chemistry. Selected efforts are as follows:
1) Nonbridged half-titanocene catalysts for olefin polymerization, synthesis of new polymers
2) (Imido)vanadium catalysts for olefin coordination/insertion and metathesis polymerization
3) Precise synthesis of end-functionalized polymers by living ring-opening metathesis polymerization
4) Precise synthesis of end-functionalized conjugated polymers by metathesis polymerization coupled with exclusive end functionalization and subsequent post-modification
5) Scale up synthesis of olefin polymerization catalysts (half-titanocene for industrial application)
6) Nickel catalyzed dimerization of propylene (from catalyst screening to the industrial plant)
7) Metal catalyzed chemospecific reduction of aromatic nitro group by CO and water
8) Photocatalytic dehydrogenation of alkane
Science Interest
Subjects in my research are broadly in synthetic and mechanistic organotransition metal chemistry, catalysis, organic chemistry and polymer chemistry. In particular, design of molecular catalysis for precise olefin polymerization, metathesis, chemo-selective organic synthesis.
1) Design of vanadium and niobium complex catalysts for olefin coordination/insertion and metathesis polymerization
2) Chemistry of metal-caron multiple bonds with vanadium and niobium
3) Design of half-titanocene catalysts for synthesis of new polymers
4) Development of new bio-based functional polymers by efficient molecular catalysis
5) Development of green, sustainable synthesis by designed molecular catalysis
Science Interest
At this moment, we will continue our research projects in the near future.
1) Design of vanadium and niobium complex catalysts for olefin coordination/insertion and metathesis polymerization
2) Chemistry of metal-caron multiple bonds with vanadium and niobium
3) Design of half-titanocene catalysts for synthesis of new polymers
4) Development of new bio-based functional polymers by efficient molecular catalysis
5) Development of green, sustainable synthesis by designed molecular catalysis
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